True growth means going within:

The hardest thing in our world today is to find safe places, where we have the serenity to tap into our inner Sage, discover the gifts in our wounds and bring them back to our people.

Virtual 1:1 MedicineWalk

An Exploration of Your Inner & Outer Nature

You are contemplating a question or a situation in your life that needs a deeper perspective. Your usual methods to give you the answer are not working.



You could be a successful CEO / Executive, have attended a workshop, training, nature immersions, or another program, could be a woman in your 40's exhausted from climbing the corporate ladder, or a man in the midst of a breakup or divorce... looking to discover your legacy...

1:1 Retreats

Sometimes a deep journey needs to be done solo.

We custom tailor this program for you to fit your schedule and preferred location.

Now Open for Oct Enrollment!

We have a limited number of slots available for each program. Contact Barbara or Don, if this would be a good fit for you, colleagues, or your team...

Prefer a Phone Call?

Feel free to schedule a conversation directly with either Barbara or Don. Select a day & time that works best for YOU.