Virtual 1:1 MedicineWalk: an Exporation of your Inner & Outer Nature
1 time ~ $590 USD
What's the Purpose?
You are contemplating a question or a situation in your life that needs a deeper perspective. Your usual methods to give you the answer are not working. You want to tap into 1:1 guidance & wisdom.

How Does This Work?
This program consists of 2 Private Coaching Calls, one at the beginning to set your intention and another to reflect on your experiences after your Medicine Walk.
- To get a clear answer you must have a clear intention
- Having this intention honed and witnessed your solitary MedicineWalk in nature becomes clear and insightful
- You will receive clear instructions on how to prepare for this time of taping into greater wisdom of the land
- By reflecting your story in our second Private Coaching Call we will help you to harvest insights and find the takeaways
How will I be Supported?
From the time you sign up for this program, till the time we end we will be holding the space and intention for you. Besides being your Private Coach and Guide we take the important role of witness to your journey. {Can also be done in person, contact us for further details}

How Do I Schedule?
- Click on the Reserve Now button below
- Choose a date for your 1st Coaching call
- After the first Coaching call you receive an instruction package for your medicine walk alone in nature
- You set a date for your walk and setup the second Coaching call, ideally three days after, to give you time to reflect
- Reserve now as we're filling up quickly. Congrats!
"I just completed a Virtual Medicine Walk with Sage Seeker. A great concept and very deep. I highly recommend it! In our busy lives taking a longer journey isn’t always possible.
Sage Seekers’s offering is a pragmatic way to incorporate the necessary elements needed to reflect and explore on your own with the support before and after the journey.
It was deep and profound yet I was supported from afar. I’ve done a few in my lifetime and this accelerated style is perfect for the 21st Century explorers to commune with their innermost selves and with nature simultaneously.
Bravo for the creative concept and loving support."
Gary Stuart
Now Open for Oct Enrollment!
We have a limited number of slots available {1st come, 1st served}. Reserve directly if this would be a good fit for you, individual colleagues, or individual team members...
Feel free to schedule a conversation directly with either Barbara or Don to discuss any questions you may have.